Marie-Christine Pierre

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Marie-Christine graduated from the Université de Moncton in 2017 with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. She pursued her studies and obtained her Juris Doctor from the Université de Moncton in 2020.

During her time in law school, she participated in the revision of an academic textbook in criminal law. She also represented the Faculty of Law at the Laskin, a national moot trial competition in administrative and constitutional law.

In order to give back to her community, Marie-Christine has participated as a student volunteer in the Student Legal Aid Society of New Brunswick program and was responsible for a legal clinic at the Centre d’accueil et d’accompagnement francophone des immigrants du Sud-Est (CAFi) through the Pro-Bono student network program.

Marie-Christine joined the Board of Dialogue NB in 2021, now known as Cohesia, a not-for-profit organization whose mandate is to help New Brunswick become a more socially cohesive community. She now serves as Vice-President and President of its Governance Committee.

During that time, she has been involved personally with Dialogue NB’s work, particularly as a speaker and facilitator of public dialogues on themes related to systemic racism.

Marie-Christine was admitted to the New Brunswick Bar in 2021. She is currently a lawyer at Actus Law Droit in Moncton. In her practice, she concentrates in the area of corporate, commercial and real estate law.